Search for tag: "fire department"

By-Processing - Part 1 (The aggregate() Function).mp4

There are several different functions and methods available in R to compute statistics or, more generally, apply functions to groups of observations within a data set. The tapply() function is one…

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From  Daniel Hall 87 plays 0  

The Output Statement - Part 4 (FEV Example, Revisited)

In this video we return to the FEV Example and show how the OUTPUT statement, in conjunction with a Sum statement, can be used to compute and store posttest-pretest differences even when the posttest…

From  Daniel Hall 186 plays 0  

More on PROC MEANS-The FEV Example

A common use of PROC MEANS is to produce statistics for each by group and write those results to an output dataset so that they can be analyzed further. This video considers an example of this sort…

+14 More
From  Daniel Hall 169 plays 0