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ANOVA Models in R - Part 3 (Alternative Parameterizations).mp4

In this video we continue our illustration of one-way ANOVA models in R through Example 11 in Mod13Script.R. You should open this script in RStudio and follow along while watching. In this…

From  Daniel Hall 513 plays 0  

Multiple Plots per Page

In this video we illustrate two methods for putting multiple plots on a single page. The first approach is to set the mfrow or mfcol graphical parameter with the par() function. These parameters…

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From  Daniel Hall 118 plays 0  

Scatterplot Matrices and Coplots.mp4

Scatter plot matrices are useful compact displays of all pairwise scatter plots among a (small) group of variables. They can be produced in R using the pairs() function. (They can also be produced…

From  Daniel Hall 277 plays 0