Search for tag: "data analysis"

BIOS 7010 - Measures of Location (Central Tendency).mp4

From  Ivonne Marie Berges 9 plays 0  

ANOVA Models in R - Part 4 (Inferences on Means and Diagnostics).mp4

In this video we conclude our illustration of one-way ANOVA models in R through Example 11 in Mod13Script.R. You should open this script in RStudio and follow along while watching. In this…

From  Daniel Hall 685 plays 0  

Functions in R - Part 2 (The ... Argument).mp4

The "..." or ellipsis argument to a function allows the function to accept unnamed and unspecified arguments to pass along to other functions called by the original function. Such an…

From  Daniel Hall 316 plays 0  

Subscripts - Part 2 (Matrices & Arrays).mp4

In this video we continue to discuss subscripts, this time concentrating on matrices and arrays. Each dimension of these structures may be subscripted to return a sub-matrix or sub-array of the…

From  Daniel Hall 168 plays 0  

Introduction to R - Part 1 (CRAN and Using the R Console)

In this video we introduce R. We give a brief overview of what R is; introduce CRAN (the Comprehensive R Archive Network website) and show how to find installation files, packages and documentation;…

From  Daniel Hall 574 plays 0  

PROC SGPLOT - Part 3 (Boxplots)

In this video we review the anatomy of a boxplot and show how to use PROC SGPLOT to produce vertical or horizontal boxplots. We show how to produce side-by-side boxplots as well as clustered…

From  Daniel Hall 752 plays 0  

Introduction to SAS Documentation-SAS Components

From  Daniel Hall 162 plays 0