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ANOVA - Part 3 (One-way Analysis in PROC GLM)

In this video we implement a one-way ANOVA in PROC GLM, using the same example (Example #8 on Pizza Diameters) as in the previous video. But here we discuss the important difference between the…

From  Daniel Hall 819 plays 0  

ANOVA - Part 4 (Two-way ANOVA in PROC GLM)

In this video we analyze the pizza diameter data using a two-way ANOVA model implemented in PROC GLM. Here we see how to specify the model and how to use the SLICE option on the LSMEANS to test…

From  Daniel Hall 950 plays 0  

ANOVA - Part 2 (one-way analysis with PROC ANOVA)

PROC ANOVA can handle one-way ANOVA models and multi-way ANOVAs with balanced data. It should not be used to fit and make inference from unbalanced multi-way ANOVA models. In this video we introduce…

From  Daniel Hall 460 plays 0