Search for tag: "measurement (mathematics)"

BIOS 7010 Two-Sample T Procedures Part 5.mp4

From  Ivonne Marie Berges 4 plays 0  

BIOS 7010 Two-Sample T Procedures Part 1.mp4

From  Ivonne Marie Berges 3 plays 0  

BIOS 7010 Simple Linear Regression Part 2.mp4

From  Ivonne Marie Berges 11 plays 0  

BIOS 7010 Signed Rank Test Part 1.mp4

From  Ivonne Marie Berges 2 plays 0  

BIOS 7010 Normal Distributions Part 3.mp4

From  Ivonne Marie Berges 57 plays 0  

BIOS 7010 Correlation.mp4

From  Ivonne Marie Berges 5 plays 0  

BIOS 7010 Chi Square Part 2.mp4

From  Ivonne Marie Berges 2 plays 0  

BIOS 7010 - Measures of Dispersion (Spread or Variation).mp4

From  Ivonne Marie Berges 4 plays 0  

BIOS 7010 - Measures of Location (Central Tendency).mp4

From  Ivonne Marie Berges 9 plays 0  

Summary Statistics in R

In Module 13 we cover the implementation of basic statistical methods in R. We begin with a discussion of some functions to compute summary statistics and to characterize univariate distributions. In…

From  Daniel Hall 112 plays 0  

Barcharts in R.mp4

Although plot() can produce bar charts, the barplot() function is often more convenient. In this video we introduce this function and illustrate its use to produce bar charts that display one and…

From  Daniel Hall 116 plays 0  

Functions in R - Part 2 (The ... Argument).mp4

The "..." or ellipsis argument to a function allows the function to accept unnamed and unspecified arguments to pass along to other functions called by the original function. Such an…

From  Daniel Hall 316 plays 0  

By-Processing - Part 1 (The aggregate() Function).mp4

There are several different functions and methods available in R to compute statistics or, more generally, apply functions to groups of observations within a data set. The tapply() function is one…

From  Daniel Hall 87 plays 0  

Combining Data Frames in R.mp4

This video covers how to combined data frames in R both horizontally and vertically. The primary tool for the former operation is the merge() function, whereas the rbind.fill() function from the plyr…

From  Daniel Hall 165 plays 0  

Data Structures in R - Part 3, Arrays.mp4

We continue to discuss data structures in R, this time focusing on arrays. An array is a generalization of a matrix with an arbitrary number of dimensions. We illustrate the structure with a three…

From  Daniel Hall 150 plays 0  

PROC CORR - Part 2 (Partial Correlation)

In this video we describe partial correlation coefficients and why they are useful. Then we demonstrate the computation of such measures in PROC CORR using an example involving measures of body girth…

From  Daniel Hall 370 plays 0