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ANOVA Models in R - Part 4 (Inferences on Means and Diagnostics).mp4

In this video we conclude our illustration of one-way ANOVA models in R through Example 11 in Mod13Script.R. You should open this script in RStudio and follow along while watching. In this…

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From  Daniel Hall 686 plays 0  

Summary Statistics in R

In Module 13 we cover the implementation of basic statistical methods in R. We begin with a discussion of some functions to compute summary statistics and to characterize univariate distributions. In…

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From  Daniel Hall 112 plays 0  

Repetitive Execution - Part 2 (repeat and while Loops)

In this video we introduce the repeat and while loops. There are small differences in the syntax of the three types of loops in R, which may make one form more convenient than another in any given…

From  Daniel Hall 146 plays 0