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Summary Statistics in R

In Module 13 we cover the implementation of basic statistical methods in R. We begin with a discussion of some functions to compute summary statistics and to characterize univariate distributions. In…

From  Daniel Hall 112 plays 0  

Repeatedly Applying Functions to Data - Part 2 (lapply() and sapply())

While tapply() applies a function to different observations in a vector, which might correspond to rows in a data frame, lapply() and sapply() apply a function to each element of a list. In the case…

From  Daniel Hall 199 plays 0  

PROC SGPLOT - Part 4 (Scatter Plots)

The scatter plot is a fundamental tool for visualizing the relationship between two quantitative variables. In this video we show how to use PROC SGPLOT to produce scatter plots and demonstrate how…

From  Daniel Hall 505 plays 0  

Examples of List Input-Part 2

This video illustrates list input when an observation spans two or more lines on the input file. It also shows how SAS handles an invalid data value when reading data into a numeric variable.

From  Daniel Hall 197 plays 0