Search for tag: "cigarettes"

Summary Statistics in R

In Module 13 we cover the implementation of basic statistical methods in R. We begin with a discussion of some functions to compute summary statistics and to characterize univariate distributions. In…

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From  Daniel Hall 112 plays 0  

Histograms and Boxplots in R.mp4

In this video we illustrate how to use the hist() function to plot histograms in R, and we illustrate the use and effects of some of its options (breaks and freq). We also show how to overlay a…

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From  Daniel Hall 185 plays 0  

PROC UNIVARIATE - Part 1 (Example #1).mp4

This video demonstrates some of the basic capabilities for producing descriptive statistics, graphical summaries, and basic inferences on one variable at a time with PROC UNIVARIATE. This video…

From  Daniel Hall 730 plays 0  

PROC SGPLOT - Part 3 (Boxplots)

In this video we review the anatomy of a boxplot and show how to use PROC SGPLOT to produce vertical or horizontal boxplots. We show how to produce side-by-side boxplots as well as clustered…

From  Daniel Hall 781 plays 0  


PROCs STANDARD and RANK are simple procedures that produce no output, but create transformed versions of the variables in a data set. PROC STANDARD can be used to center a random variable and/or…

From  Daniel Hall 413 plays 0  

Examples of List Input-Part 3

This video illustrates list input when there are two or more observation per line. A trailing double-@ at the end of the INPUT statement does the trick.

From  Daniel Hall 145 plays 0  

Examples of List Input-Part 1

A demonstration of reading data from a plain text file via a data step using list input. In this example we have one observation per line.

From  Daniel Hall 307 plays 0