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ANOVA Models in R - Part 4 (Inferences on Means and Diagnostics).mp4

In this video we conclude our illustration of one-way ANOVA models in R through Example 11 in Mod13Script.R. You should open this script in RStudio and follow along while watching. In this…

From  Daniel Hall 685 plays 0  

ANOVA Models in R - Part 3 (Alternative Parameterizations).mp4

In this video we continue our illustration of one-way ANOVA models in R through Example 11 in Mod13Script.R. You should open this script in RStudio and follow along while watching. In this…

From  Daniel Hall 509 plays 0  

Linear Regression in R - Part 2 (The Tire Rubber Example).mp4

This video features the first half of our coverage of Example 9 in Mod13Script.R. You should open this script in RStudio and follow along while watching. Here we show how to fit simple linear and…

From  Daniel Hall 380 plays 0  

Correlation Analysis in R.mp4

In this video we illustrate the computation of Pearson, Spearman and Kendall correlations in R. We also illustrate some functions for doing inference in correlation coefficients. Finally, we show how…

From  Daniel Hall 603 plays 0  

Chi-square Tests in R.mp4

Chi-square tests are useful for categorical data. They can be used to test whether a vector of probabilities associated with each of several possible outcomes is equal to some null value. That null…

From  Daniel Hall 199 plays 0  

Summary Statistics in R

In Module 13 we cover the implementation of basic statistical methods in R. We begin with a discussion of some functions to compute summary statistics and to characterize univariate distributions. In…

From  Daniel Hall 112 plays 0  

By-Processing - Part 1 (The aggregate() Function).mp4

There are several different functions and methods available in R to compute statistics or, more generally, apply functions to groups of observations within a data set. The tapply() function is one…

From  Daniel Hall 87 plays 0  

Sorting in R.mp4

The sort() function will sort a vector in R in either ascending or descending order. But a more powerful and flexible technique is to sort data by using the order() function to generate subscripts…

From  Daniel Hall 247 plays 0  

Introduction to R - Part 4 (An Example with Statistics and Plots)

This video presents an extended example from Mod8Script.R that deals with some fictitious quiz score data. Here we introduce several new functions for computing summary statistics and the t.test()…

From  Daniel Hall 220 plays 0  

ANOVA - Part 2 (one-way analysis with PROC ANOVA)

PROC ANOVA can handle one-way ANOVA models and multi-way ANOVAs with balanced data. It should not be used to fit and make inference from unbalanced multi-way ANOVA models. In this video we introduce…

From  Daniel Hall 451 plays 0  

PROC REG - Part 2 (A Quadratic Model and Prediction)

In this video we continue with Example #7 from, in which we regress the city mpg on weight for 93 cars in the 1993 Consumer Reports Cars dataset. Here we consider a model that is…

From  Daniel Hall 711 plays 0  

PROC REG - Part 1 (Simple Linear Regression).mp4

From  Daniel Hall 296 plays 0  

PROC CORR - Part 2 (Partial Correlation)

In this video we describe partial correlation coefficients and why they are useful. Then we demonstrate the computation of such measures in PROC CORR using an example involving measures of body girth…

From  Daniel Hall 370 plays 0  

PROC UNIVARIATE - Part 2 (Example #2)

This video illustrates PROC UNIVARIATE for conducting a one sample t test and examining the assumption of normality underlying the t test. It also features the use of the ODS SELECT statement. PROC…

From  Daniel Hall 217 plays 0  

PROC TTEST - Part 1 (Paired and One-Sample Tests)

This video demonstrates the use of PROC TTEST for paired and one-sample t tests on means. We also examine the ODS Graphics produced by this PROC when implementing these tests.

From  Daniel Hall 333 plays 0  

PROC UNIVARIATE - Part 1 (Example #1).mp4

This video demonstrates some of the basic capabilities for producing descriptive statistics, graphical summaries, and basic inferences on one variable at a time with PROC UNIVARIATE. This video…

From  Daniel Hall 726 plays 0