Search for tag: "computers"

Introduction to Graphics in R.mp4

This video serves as an introduction to the coverage of R graphics in this course. Although there are multiple systems for graphics and advanced graphics packages in R, we will only cover base…

+9 More
From  Daniel Hall 109 plays 0  

Vectorized Computations.mp4

In R, loops are often not the most efficient way to do repetitive calculations. Rather than doing the calculations for each value of a variable it is much more efficient to organize the values of…

+20 More
From  Daniel Hall 65 plays 0  

Repetitive Execution - Part 2 (repeat and while Loops)

In this video we introduce the repeat and while loops. There are small differences in the syntax of the three types of loops in R, which may make one form more convenient than another in any given…

From  Daniel Hall 146 plays 0  

Dates and How to Read them into R

In this video we discuss the "Date" class in R, how dates are stored, and how to create objects of class "Date" with the as.Date() function. We also discuss how to read date data…

From  Daniel Hall 300 plays 0  

The Output Statement - Part 2 (Generating Data)

In this video we illustrate how to use the OUTPUT statement within a DO loop to generate data from scratch. This technique can be used for a variety of purposes including simulating data from a known…

+11 More
From  Daniel Hall 132 plays 0  

More on PROC MEANS-The FEV Example

A common use of PROC MEANS is to produce statistics for each by group and write those results to an output dataset so that they can be analyzed further. This video considers an example of this sort…

+14 More
From  Daniel Hall 169 plays 0  

The Automatic Variables _N_ and _ERROR_

There are two variables that SAS automatically creates in the program data vector when processing a data step. One is _N_ and the other is _ERROR_. These are useful to know about when programming in…

+12 More
From  Daniel Hall 530 plays 0  

Folder Structure for STAT 4-6360E

This video describes the folder structure that you should establish on your personal computer if you are enrolled in STAT 4/6360E. It is essential viewing.

From  Daniel Hall 164 plays 0