Search for tag: "plot()"

Linear Regression in R - Part 3 (The Tire Rubber Example, Continued).mp4

This video features the second half of our coverage of Example 9 in Mod13Script.R. You should open this script in RStudio and follow along while watching. Here we we consider adding quadratic…

+25 More
From  Daniel Hall 294 plays 0  

Linear Regression in R - Part 2 (The Tire Rubber Example).mp4

This video features the first half of our coverage of Example 9 in Mod13Script.R. You should open this script in RStudio and follow along while watching. Here we show how to fit simple linear and…

+23 More
From  Daniel Hall 387 plays 0  

Multiple Plots per Page

In this video we illustrate two methods for putting multiple plots on a single page. The first approach is to set the mfrow or mfcol graphical parameter with the par() function. These parameters…

+25 More
From  Daniel Hall 118 plays 0  

Adding Lines and Limits to a Scatter or Series Plot.mp4

In this video we illustrate how to add text (including mathematical symbols), lines, curves, and other features to a scatter or series plot. Applications include adding a nonparametric lowess fit to…

From  Daniel Hall 66 plays 0  

Series Plots in R.mp4

In this video we illustrate how to construct a series plot with two series overlayed, even if the scales for the two series are vastly different. The example used here is the same as one we…

From  Daniel Hall 67 plays 0  

Plotting Symbols, Colors, and Labeling Points in Scatterplots.mp4

In this video we show how to use vector-valued specifications for the col= and pch= graphical parameters when calling plot() or some other high level graphical function in R in order to distinguish…

From  Daniel Hall 1,719 plays 0  

The plot() Function.mp4

The plot() function is the ultimate generic function in R. It is highly flexible, and produces a variety of different plot types depending upon the class of the objects that it operates on and the…

From  Daniel Hall 110 plays 0