Search for tag: "land vehicles"

ANOVA Models in R - Part 2 (Fitting and Summarizing One-way Models).mp4

In this video we begin our illustration of one-way ANOVA models in R through Example 11 in Mod13Script.R. You should open this script in RStudio and follow along while watching. In this portion of…

From  Daniel Hall 1,232 plays 0  

Plotting Symbols, Colors, and Labeling Points in Scatterplots.mp4

In this video we show how to use vector-valued specifications for the col= and pch= graphical parameters when calling plot() or some other high level graphical function in R in order to distinguish…

From  Daniel Hall 1,719 plays 0  

Histograms and Boxplots in R.mp4

In this video we illustrate how to use the hist() function to plot histograms in R, and we illustrate the use and effects of some of its options (breaks and freq). We also show how to overlay a…

+23 More
From  Daniel Hall 185 plays 0  

Barcharts in R.mp4

Although plot() can produce bar charts, the barplot() function is often more convenient. In this video we introduce this function and illustrate its use to produce bar charts that display one and…

From  Daniel Hall 116 plays 0  

The plot() Function.mp4

The plot() function is the ultimate generic function in R. It is highly flexible, and produces a variety of different plot types depending upon the class of the objects that it operates on and the…

From  Daniel Hall 110 plays 0  

Repetitive Execution - Part 1 (for Loops)

Loops are a basic element of all computer programming. In R, loops are somewhat less necessary than in many other languages because R can do vectorized calculations---calculations on all of the…

From  Daniel Hall 86 plays 0  

Creating Frequency Tables in R

Frequency distributions (univariate and joint) can be displayed in contingency tables, or cross-tabulations. In this video we show how tapply() can be used to create such tables, but we…

From  Daniel Hall 1,409 plays 0  

Repeatedly Applying Functions to Data - Part 2 (lapply() and sapply())

While tapply() applies a function to different observations in a vector, which might correspond to rows in a data frame, lapply() and sapply() apply a function to each element of a list. In the case…

From  Daniel Hall 200 plays 0  

Repeatedly Applying Functions to Data - Part 1 (tapply())

The tapply() function is one of several "apply" functions in R that allow a function to operate on data repeatedly. The function tapply() applies a function to groups of observations within…

From  Daniel Hall 172 plays 0  

Data Structures in R - Part 4, Lists.mp4

We continue to discuss data structures in R, this time focusing on lists. Unlike vectors, matrices and arrays, the elements of a list may be of different modes. This makes them very flexible and…

+19 More
From  Daniel Hall 90 plays 0  

PROC REG - Part 2 (A Quadratic Model and Prediction)

In this video we continue with Example #7 from, in which we regress the city mpg on weight for 93 cars in the 1993 Consumer Reports Cars dataset. Here we consider a model that is…

+14 More
From  Daniel Hall 718 plays 0  

PROC REG - Part 1 (Simple Linear Regression).mp4

From  Daniel Hall 297 plays 0  

PROC SGPLOT - Part 4 (Scatter Plots)

The scatter plot is a fundamental tool for visualizing the relationship between two quantitative variables. In this video we show how to use PROC SGPLOT to produce scatter plots and demonstrate how…

+14 More
From  Daniel Hall 526 plays 0  

PROC SGPLOT - Part 3 (Boxplots)

In this video we review the anatomy of a boxplot and show how to use PROC SGPLOT to produce vertical or horizontal boxplots. We show how to produce side-by-side boxplots as well as clustered…

From  Daniel Hall 781 plays 0  

PROC SGPLOT - Part 1 (Bar Charts)

PROC SGPLOT implements a wide variety of different plot types. In this video, we introduce the procedure and illustrate how to use it to produce bar charts that display frequency distributions or…

From  Daniel Hall 652 plays 0  

The MERGE Statement - Part 2, The Many-to-One Merge

In this video we demonstrate how to use the MERGE statement to perform a many-to-one merge. Three examples are given to demonstrate this programming task. Sometimes a data set with just one…

+14 More
From  Daniel Hall 646 plays 0